Monday, March 26, 2007

How has the experience of attending Otis affected your art or perception?

The experience of attending Otis has completely changed my view of art and the way I go about making art. I did not know much about art history or even art in general before I started Otis, but over the time I've been here I have gained so much information. Otis makes me look at every advertisement and design differently. I look at things now and I analyze how they might be made or what things are wrong with the design. I feel like this is an awesome skill to have, but at times it is kind of annoying. Like when I can't even get through a TV show because the commercials are so bad, or when I went back home and used my parent's computer and I couldn't help thinking of how wrong the ellipse was on their desktop background. I can only imagine how much I will notice these things throughout the next couple of years.